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Houses for rent by owner Cincinnati Ohio New house! Perched on a hill, these two beauty storylines are so important that you think! The main level of more than 2000 main square feet has more bedrooms, 2-1 / 2 super (including en-suite getting well in), official living room, living room, updated kitchen, dining area and laundry location. The fencing structure facing east of the house window and the slider gets natural light and will also offer good front-row office chairs for phenomenal places of interest in the city, harbor and mountains and free up to more than 400 square feet of deck! This property has been lovingly increasing recently in years or more with attractive double windows and doors, a beautiful new road at the gate with cracked glass and an iron accent, developed floor boards, crazy corners on the fireplace, sky- comfortable sky, depressed lighting, so extra. The timeframe provides nearly 700 square meters farther away from living spaces with fireplaces, recessed lights, crown molding and wooden floors which results in your perfect living room, hang-out, games, further bedrooms, or work at home and equipped with specific entrances as well. There is additional storage about this level, especially for quick access to large 2-car utility rooms with workshops / space for storage space. Additional upgrades include a large born with solar software with dynamo back-up, 200 amp electronic panel, heat / dwelling center, drought resistant landscape, retrofitting support, creative interior and exterior colors, paver driveway, new garage area door this spring and especially. Put zygor the only “must-see” list!

Read Also:  2 Bedroom Houses For Rent In Cincinnati

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